The Greek word anoteros

Found just twice in the New Testament (Lk. 14:10; Heb. 10:8), the Greek adverb “anoteros” means “above” or “higher.”

In Lk. 14:10 Jesus spoke about choosing a less prominent place so a person could be “moved up” at a feast.  In Heb. It is the only medication which can be obtained after the viagra online delivery third treatment. Majority of these natural male improvement products now contain proven herbs that have been shown to be extremely valuable for giving your finest bed performance. buy viagra Almost all online pharmacies viagra men suffer from some degree of erectile dysfunction. It is such an embarrassing situation for a man that he most often shrinks himself to viagra rx face his partner. 10:8 the idea is “above, i.e. in the immediately preceding part of the passage quoted” (Thayer, p. 52).


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