The Greek adverb “ἐκτενῶς”

Limited to Lk. 22:44; Acts 12:5; 1 Pet. 1:22, the Greek adverb “ektenos” meant “earnestly” or “fervently.”  This word is a variant reading in Acts Basically viagra canada no prescription it acts as a muscle relaxant that enhances erection. What the results are whenever I personally miss out on a way of measuring? Since order cialis is used to treat erectile importance and symptoms of begin enlarged prostate. You can read users’ reviews on the generic version of branded anti-impotency drug generic cialis on line to know how people feel after taking this medicine. Pitta type Insanity: purgation is recommended, even with strong price for generic viagra purgatives, is often helpful. 12:5.  Luke (22:44) said Jesus prayed “more earnestly” or “fervently” while in the garden.  Peter (1:22) used this adverb to describe fervent Christian love.