Tag Archives: Greek word study of gregoreo

The Greek word “gregoreo”

Found 23 times in the New Testament, the Greek verb “gregoreo” meant “watch,” “be vigilant,” “be alert,” “be awake.”   Jesus used this word to describe His next and final coming (Mt. 24:42-43; 25:13).  This term was used when the Lord was in the garden (Mk. 14:38).  Paul used this verb when finishing the First Corinthians letter (1 Cor. It relieves you videoleadspro.com cialis pills canada from fatigue and cures sexual weakness. As this promotes expectoration it is very important that you consume this or any such medicine on your door, with purchase cheap viagra This site in time. No doubt, these methods are helpful for strengthening a videoleadspro.com generic cialis relationship but seeking best medical help may cut down the distance of reaching up to happiest life survival. If you are young and facing problems in maintaining an attaining an erection enough cialis online mastercard to have a satisfied sexual intercourse. 16:13).  Vigilance is required because of our adversary the devil (1 Pet. 5:8).  This word is also found three times in Revelation  (Rev. 3:2-3; 16:15).