Tag Archives: the word anamartetos

The Greek word anamartetos

Found just once in the New Testament (Jn. 8:7), the Greek adjective “anamartetos” meant “without sin.”

Scribes and Pharisee (Jn. 8:3) brought a woman to Jesus and said this lady had been caught “in the very act” of adultery (Jn. Sustanon 250 Sustanon order generic cialis – a mixture of different esters of testosterone. Do wholesale viagra 100mg http://robertrobb.com/how-much-difference-would-a-1-billion-rainy-day-fund-make/ justice to your potential. The erectile dysfunction may happen in any age and any time in purchase generic levitra purchasing that your life. A person has to always consult the doctor for the safety purpose and after that tadalafil free shipping begin taking the anti-impotence pills. 8:4).  Jesus did some writing on the ground (Jn. 8:6), and then said the person “without sin” (anamartetos) could cast the first stone at this woman.