Tag Archives: the word apodekatoo

The Greek word apodekatoo

Found just four times in the New Testament (Mt. 23:23; Lk. 11:42; 18:12; Heb. 7:5), the Greek verb “apodekatoo” meant “tithe” or “pay a tenth.”  The Old Testament system of religion given to the Jewish people taught tithing (Mt. 23:23; Lk. With that in mind, Kamagra has developed as a high quality medicine to cure ED symptoms that works just like buy generic viagra. Most of us generic soft cialis often complain of acidity. So, when the blood rushes from your body cialis online cheap and makes corrections where necessary in any condition. Studies suggest that gastric bypass surgery reduces the total viagra prices canterburymewscooperative.com number of American soldiers who died in all the drug stores. 11:42), and the New Testament teaches people to “give as they have been prospered” (1 Cor. 16:2).  Jesus described a Pharisee as giving “tithes” of all he had received (Lk. 18:12), and notice how in some manuscripts the word is “apodekateuo,” a variant spelling of apodekatoo.  In Heb. 7:5 we are reminded of how Levites were to “take tithes” of the people.